Joys of June: Taking Back Happiness with Ashley F!

Joys of June: Taking Back Happiness with Ashley F!

5 minute read

We love sharing heartwarming stories, especially when joy wins. Today, we're talking with our friend Ashley F. (@theashleyaf) about her inspiring journey with starting the Joys of June movement.

Years ago, Ashley lost her dad to cancer in the beginning of summer, and every year she felt the dark cloud of sadness creep in and take over. But in 2017, she decided to reclaim her happiness and start bringing joy back into her life. Keep reading to learn from Ashley herself about the Joys of June, and our special collection with her to celebrate living life in the little moments!

Ashley: Roy was larger than life! He never met a soul he did not know. He tried to act like he was strong and aggressive, but in actuality he was a gigantic teddy bear. He helped more people than I can count. He was a godly man, he really loved being outdoors, he loved his kids, and when he did something, he did it big. He had a huge personality and would be sure to tell you his opinion. We're definitely alike!

In 2015 he was diagnosed with cholangiocarcinoma, or bile duct cancer. We only had him 3 months and 10 days from the date of his diagnosis to his passing. He turned 48 years old on June 12th, and then on June 14th, he passed away. It was very hard, I wasn't even 30 years old at the time, and losing a dad was rough on the whole family. And then, of course, that next weekend was Father's Day. It was extremely difficult and I didn't know what to do. I was lost.

That's when I started looking at old pictures, and I realized I wasn't in hardly any of them with my dad. At that time, I never let myself be in photos. I regretted the missed opportunities I had with him. For the next two years, I let it eat away at me. At the one year anniversary, the entire month I couldn't think of anything else. And again in 2017, it was still consuming me.

Ashley: In 2018, I decided I didn't want the whole month to affect everything that I did. I had a husband, the father of our children, who deserved to be celebrated for Father's Day. I decide "No more - I'll take June back", and I decided to look for the good. I was fed up with the grief taking over. Dad wouldn't have wanted that!


Ashley: Some people do need the reminder that it's not a bad day, just a bad moment. I've gotten to watch people honor different family members throughout these years. Even without a major loss, it's also halfway through the year, at a time when we as working adults don't really get much of a break. So it's a way to refocus and set a positive precedent for the rest of the year. It isn't just about Roy, it's grown beyond that. People come back year after year, and the community has grown. It's a trickle effect too: if you share joy, it brings joy to others.


Ashley: Find one simple thing that's just for your enjoyment every every day. It doesn't have to be big - it can be that the sun is shining, or your flowers are blooming. Or as significant as a new family member being born, going on a vacation, whatever makes you smile. In all honest, sometimes, it's that my kids didn't fight that day. Look for that one thing every day. 

Sweet P: This picture of my dad brought this print to life. He had a glass of sweet tea, and he was also holding my daughter "P", and that was the inspiration behind the name "Sweet P". I wanted it to match that exact shirt!

Sea the Good: My Dad loved the water, and swimming in the canals in California, and the beach. I love all those things, too. The sunrise gives you the reflection. It's a reflection of him in me, plus we look exactly alike! 

Sunrise Sunset: I wanted all the colors of the sunrises and sunsets my Dad and I had together. One year I did a workout on the anniversary of his passing, and I saw one of the most beautiful sunrises I had ever seen. It never fails, June 12th to June 14th, the sky always glows. It's like he's still showing up to let me know he's there. 

The Race Is On: When my brothers were younger, they wanted to start ATV racing. Well, my Dad was never one to do anything small - so he started his own ATV racing track, which became nationally ranked. It had a bridge and everything!

Rainbow Fields: When my parents were married in California, my dad was a state baseball champ. He started and sponsored his own team at a local spot known as Rainbow Fields. It's still operating today! It's a reminder to me that it all works out perfectly.

Joyful Vibes: This is a variation of all the headbands put together. It's a blend of everything, and pulls together a color from each of the prints. It covers it all: the waves of that season, of every-day life, and the growth that brings it all together!

The Joys of June Collection is available now, so grab yours to add some joy to your day! And for never-ending joys for the month, be sure to follow Ashley and the tag #joysofjune23 below to keep the good vibes rolling!


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