Tee 1 D: A Compassionate Guide to Navigating Type 1 Diabetes

Tee 1 D: A Compassionate Guide to Navigating Type 1 Diabetes

6 minute read

Today, we're diving into the inspiring work of the Tee 1 D Diabetes Foundation – a new organization that's changing lives by offering education and unwavering support to those battling Type 1 Diabetes. Whether you're someone dealing with T1D yourself, or you're here to learn how you can help, this blog post is for you!

What's Type 1 Diabetes and How Does It Feel?

Type 1 Diabetes, often called T1D, is an autoimmune disease that affects people of all ages. It's not caused by poor lifestyle choices; it's simply the hand some folks are dealt by the genetic lottery. When someone has T1D, their immune system mistakenly attacks the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas. Insulin is a hormone that regulates blood sugar levels, and without it, blood sugar can soar dangerously high.

So, what does it feel like to have T1D? Well, it can be a bit like juggling. Imagine trying to balance your blood sugar, like keeping multiple balls in the air, all day, every day. One moment, you're dealing with high blood sugar, leading to symptoms like extreme thirst, frequent urination, fatigue, and unquenchable hunger. Then, it can plummet into low blood sugar territory, causing shakiness, confusion, and even loss of consciousness. It's a never-ending tightrope walk.

Rachel Watson, wife of type 1 diabetic Trey Watson and co-founder of Tee 1 Dee, shares the struggle all diabetics face:

"The challenge of diabetes is that no two days are the same. Every day involves monitoring your blood sugar - either through finger sticks or a continuous monitor worn on the body - and adjusting as needed with insulin, which is either injections or a pump multiple times a day. It means you are constantly aware of what you're eating, drinking, doing and how that all effects blood glucose levels."

Type 1 Diabetes in Children | Johns Hopkins Medicine

How Widespread is T1D?

T1D is more common than you might think. According to the International Diabetes Federation, approximately 1 in every 500 people worldwide has T1D. That may not seem like a huge number, but when you consider the world's population, it amounts to millions of individuals and families living with this challenging condition.

It's crucial to remember that T1D can affect anyone, regardless of age, race, or gender. That's why it's so essential to have organizations like T1D dedicated to helping those in need.

How did Tee 1 D Diabetes Foundation start?

When two local families were unexpectedly hit with a diagnosis of Type 1 diabetes, one thing became very clear: while they were given a crash course on type 1 diabetes in the doctor's office, there wasn't a lot of information or support in the day-to-day lives of their new normal.

Tee 1 D was started by two families with two things in common: Type 1 Diabetes and a love of golf. Trey Watson, co-founder, and Cannon Ebbrecht, son of co-founders Andy and Shelley, were both surprised by their individual diagnoses in 2019 and 2020. During their journey into this new normal, one thing became very clear: outside of the doctor's office, there was a struggle to find information and community in their daily lives.

They desired a support system that knew what it felt like; from being a young kid at school who's glucose monitor goes off in class, to a professional 30-something trying to balance work life and insulin timing, to the family member at home struggling to know how to cook diabetic-friendly meals the whole family will eat. Through the efforts of Tee 1 Dee, they've been able to create a space where diabetics can come together, share their stories, meet dietitians and technology professionals, and find friends that share the challenge.

Rachel's statement about the importance of community is the mission statement of Tee 1 D:

"The challenges of living with diabetes are easier when you know you're not facing them alone."

The Amazing Work of Tee 1 D

Tee 1 D is a shining beacon of hope for those battling this unrelenting disease. Their mission is clear: to provide education and support outside of the hospital setting, improving the lives of everyone affected by type 1 diabetes, including their families. Here's how they do it:

  1. Educational Resources: Tee 1 D offers a wealth of information about the condition. From understanding the basics to navigating daily life, their resources are a treasure trove of knowledge for both patients and their loved ones.

  2. Emotional Support: Tee 1 D recognizes that living with diabetes can be emotionally taxing. They offer peer support programs, counseling, and a sense of community to remind you that you're never alone in your journey.

  3. Advocacy: Tee 1 D is a vocal advocate for diabetes research and policy changes that can improve the lives of those with T1D. They work tirelessly to raise awareness, increase funding, and advocate for better access to care.

  4. Community Outreach: Local events are the cornerstone of Tee 1 D, where those with the condition, their families and the public can gather together for fun and connection. Whether it's a summertime golf tournament or a basketball night, there's always something great going on for an amazing cause!

In the face of adversity, Tee 1 D Diabetes Foundation offers a helping hand, a listening ear, and a wealth of information. They are dedicated to improving the lives of those with T1D.

When asked what's one thing that she wishes everyone understood about T1D, Rachel puts it this way:

"Having T1D does not mean you can't eat sugar. It means your body does not product the insulin it needs to break down sugar in your blood - and EVERYTHING affects blood sugar, including food, activity, hormones, stress and sickness to name a few. Diabetics can do anything, they just have to do it differently and with a few more supplies."

Type 1 Diabetes is a challenging journey, but no one has to walk it alone. If you or someone you know is affected by T1D, know that there's a community waiting to support and empower you.

And for those looking to make a difference, consider supporting Tee 1 D, volunteering your time, or simply spreading the word about the incredible work they're doing!

You can also show support by ordering one of our brand-new "Stronger Than Diabetes" headbands (where a percent of your purchase goes to the Tee 1 D Diabetes Foundation)! Follow the Tee 1 D Diabetes Foundation social media page to keep up with all the work they're doing, upcoming events and donation opportunities!

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