Wellness with Morgan: 4 Tips for Getting into a Healthier Lifestyle

Wellness with Morgan: 4 Tips for Getting into a Healthier Lifestyle

5 minute read

4 Tips for Getting into a Healthier Lifestyle with Instagram's Wellness with Morgan


Let’s be honest for a second here…

Trying to get into a healthier lifestyle can be really overwhelming. Your mind instantly goes to one extreme and jumps to grueling workouts 7 days a week that leave you feeling completely dead afterward. Because "no pain, no gain", right? And if you’re not sweating, than it’s not working, right?

But what if I told you it didn’t have to be that way? And that it didn’t have to be so extreme? Getting back into a healthier lifestyle can look different for everybody. I’m going to give you 4 tips below on easy ways to get into a healthier lifestyle, but remember to choose what resonates with you and what is truly realistic for your life! 


Even if you don’t have time for exercise, you have time to increase your daily steps. This can mean parking further away at work or the store, getting up and moving around more during your work day, or going for a walk outside.

Walking is one of the most underrated forms of exercise. It’s low impact, free, and you can fit it into almost any part of your day. Don’t have time to get sweaty and take a shower? Then walking might be the perfect solution! Whether you have an activity tracker to keep tabs on your steps each day or not, simply trying to walk more can really add up.


This is different than increasing your steps. Adding in exercise means implementing some structured movement into your day. This could be anything that you like, and I encourage you to mix it up and find things you truly enjoy. This could be yoga, running, dance, Pilates, weight lifting, etc. The goal is to find things that you enjoy so you aren’t always dreading exercise. 

The amount of times you exercise each week should depend on what your schedule will allow for. I would aim for anywhere from 2-4x per week to start. 


When you look at your overall exercise routine each week, you want to make sure to incorporate at least some strength training. This can come in a variety of forms, such as strength training machines, dumbbells, barbells, suspension training, kettle bells, etc. 

If you’re a beginner when it comes to strength training, I would recommend starting with either strength training machines (if you have access to a gym) or dumbbells. Once you start to feel more confident, then I recommend progressing into other things like barbells, kettle bells, etc. 

Your strength training workout should vary depending on how may days per week you’ll be strength training. Here are a few examples:

2 days per week – 2 full body workouts

3 days per week – 1 upper body, 1 lower body, 1 full body workout

4 days per week – alternate between upper and lower body


This might be the most important tip of all! When you’re trying to get back into a healthier lifestyle, you tend to overlook the recovery piece and instead focus all of your time and energy into the activity piece. But recovery is extremely important!

Make sure your workout routine includes a warm-up/mobility portion and a cool-down/stretch at the end. Or even better, incorporate some foam rolling or yoga into your weekly routine!

Recovery also means getting enough sleep and managing stress levels. If you’re constantly stressed, not sleeping, and running on empty, how can you expect your body to recover from your workouts? Give it the love it deserves and it will thank you!


If one of these 4 tips stick out to you the most, then start there! You don’t need to jump into everything all at once. Remember, this is a healthier lifestyle and NOT a quick fix. That means it needs to be manageable and something you can fit into your everyday life. Maybe that’s adding in a walk during your lunch break or doing a yoga class 2 nights per week. Find a manageable place to start and jump right in!

Want to get connected with Morgan? Make sure to follow her on Instagram with @wellnesswithmorgan and go to her website here to get more helpful tips!

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- Morgan Fink Wellness with Morgan
- Workout tips
- Easy movement
- Exercise for every body
- Lilac Market Headbands
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