Wie wäre es mit den Häuptlingen? Normaler Preis $14.99

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Wie wäre es mit den Häuptlingen?

Normaler Preis $14.99

11 auf Lager

Sie können davon ausgehen, dass Ihr Stirnband Ihnen Selbstvertrauen gibt, ohne dass die Funktionalität darunter leidet. Die Stirnbänder von Lilac Market wurden entworfen, weil es keine Lösung gab, die den hohen Ansprüchen des Seins gerecht wurde funktional, erschwinglich, zuverlässig. Deshalb haben wir einen neuen Standard geschaffen.

  • Eine Größe passt meistens
  • Waschmaschinenfest
  • Butterweiche, ultraelastische Polystrickmischung
  • Der vielseitige 3-in-1-Twist-Stil bietet mehrere Tragemöglichkeiten
  • Der doppellagige Stoff ist schweißabsorbierend und rutschfest
  • Perfekt für Ihr bestes Training, Ihre längste Schicht oder Ihren schönsten Spieltag.
  • Entworfen und hergestellt in Springfield, MO.
  • Größen: Damen: 3,5" an der breitesten Stelle.
    Kind (Alter 4–10): 7,6 cm an der breitesten Stelle und enger als die Damengröße

Sie sollten damit rechnen, dass Ihr Stirnband genauso hart arbeitet wie Sie. Die Stirnbänder von Lilac Market wurden entwickelt, weil es keine Lösung gab, die den hohen Ansprüchen an Zuverlässigkeit, Erschwinglichkeit und Tragbarkeit gerecht wurde. Also haben wir einen neuen Standard geschaffen.

  • Eine Größe passt meistens.
  • Waschmaschinenfest
  • Ultraweiches, dehnbares Material ist rutschfest und behält seine Form.
  • Das doppellagige Material absorbiert Schweiß während Ihres besten Trainings oder Ihrer längsten Schicht.
  • Größe: 3" Band an der breitesten Stelle.

Please email us at info@lilacmarketheadbands.com to start a return.
Items must be postmarked for return within 14 days of delivery in their original condition. 
All sale, discounted or discontinued items are final and cannot be exchanged or returned.
Please visit our returns page here to view our policy and to initiate your return or exchange. 

Domestic Shipping: 
Free standard shipping for orders $55+

International Shipping: 
We offer global shipping!
Free international shipping for orders $100+ USD
For all orders under $100 USD, costs and delivery times depend on your specific geographic location.


Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review

This was 1 of the 4 headbands I purchased with my very first order! I was so excited about it, but waited until Super Bowl Sunday to wear it for the first time. I had already worn 2 of the other headbands I purchased for full (8+ hr) days. The very minimal adjustment I had made to them once, maybe twice, as well as the compliments I received on days I wore them, sold me! So, I was really disappointed that for some reason the KC headband did not fit, or stay on my head the same way at all. I’m unsure if it’s cut differently or maybe made with a different fabric. It’s such a cute design though, so I was really bummed. Before I left a review I wanted to wear the last headband of the 4 I purchased, just to be sure it wasn’t user error! But had no issues with that one at all!

We're so sorry to hear that one of your headbands wasn't the quality you expected! But don't worry - we have some tips to help! First, the headband needs to touch some skin somewhere (around the forehead just in front of the hairline is best) in order to stay. Second, have you tried wearing the headband with the knot in the back, so the widest part of the headband is at the front? This is how the majority of our athletes say it stays perfectly in place for them. Third, you could also try wearing the band over the tops for the ears for a more snug fit. And one more, our headbands are designed to fit to your unique shape as you wear them over time, but you can speed up that process by giving the headband a bit of a stretch. Just tug the band wide with your hands (don't worry, you won't break the seam!), and try it back on. You can repeat that process until it feels right. If you feel you may have gotten the wrong size, feel free to email our customer service! Hopefully these help!